Thursday, April 1, 2010

Making a Dog Schedule

In a previous post, we discussed keeping a balanced schedule for a new puppy. It may be difficult to establish a complex schedule for someone who is busy and does not have much time to devote to making a puppy paradise. Below is a recommended schedule to provide structure to your dog's day:

Wake Up by Eight: Waking up one day at six and the next at two in the afternoon can throw a dog's sleeping patterns off. In order to prevent this, try to wake up by eight or nine each day. That way, both the dog and yourself can have a full day. 
Small Breakfast: Breakfast should never be as large and substantial as dinner. Give the dog roughly half of what you would usually give it for his or her evening meal. It is an energy boost to feed off of for the entire day. 
Afternoon Walk or Run (half hour): Every dog, no matter what size, needs exercise and fresh air. A walk should be longer and more intensive if the dog is large in size or overweight. Take him or her for a walk right when you get home from school or work, or around 3 in the afternoon. Provide treats during or after the walk!
Evening Meal: This should be at the same time every night and roughly twice the size of breakfast. 
Sleep by Eleven: While a dog does sleep most of the day, it is healthy to get a full night's rest. Just like eight hours is the perfect amount of sleep for a human, it is the perfect amount for a dog.